On January 1st, 2023, we are starting an automated unlocking process of vested $SPORT tokens for everyone who bought LMT tokens after January 10th, 2022, 06:24:19 AM UTC, but before the dynamic snapshot was taken on January 16th, 2022, 12:18:58 AM UTC. As previously communicated, the LMT to $SPORT ratio for this stage is 1:0.5, meaning that for each LMT token bought during that time, users are compensated with 0.5 $SPORT.
Unlocking Mechanics
The tokens are being equally unlocked every second, and the total amount will be fully unlocked over three years. You can claim the available $SPORT tokens at any given time.
Start of unlocking - January 1st, 2023.
End of unlocking - January 1st, 2026.
How does it work?
If your wallet is eligible for the claim on January 1st, you will receive a notification once connected to the Lympo platform.
Press on the notification, and it will take you to the claiming page, where you will find your personal claiming information. The notification will be available on the main page of Lympo and under the $SPORT token section. You will have your complete claiming information available under the claiming page - including the total amount of vested $SPORT tokens for your wallet, daily unlock values, as well as claimed and remaining amounts.
Eligible Wallets
Back in May 2022, the Lympo team put in an enormous effort to scrape as much data from all the LMT contracts and various protocols as possible — using this data, Lympo engineers calculated how much LMT each wallet has held across various networks. All users had a 72 hours window to log in and review the report generated by our team. After that, the reports were confirmed, and each wallet was allocated specific amounts of $SPORT tokens.
A reminder on stage 2 of $SPORT distribution
Everyone who acquired LMT tokens BEFORE January 10, 2022, 06:24:19 AM UTC are able to claim the SPORT tokens with a 1:1 ratio (SPORT to LMT) from May 2022. If you are eligible and have yet to claim, you can do it at https://lympo.io/sport/claim.
Having trouble?
Please fill in a request at our HelpDesk, include your wallet ID and a short description of the troubles you are experiencing, and we will sort it out.