Vote Number Two (updated)
We listened to feedback from you regarding Lymus rewards and added a second vote for the Lymus Reward Mechanics as a result. Option 1 will be the unchanged winning option from the first vote (receiving continuous NFT Staking Bonuses). Option 2 is a new solution that focuses on providing higher instant rewards for more active community members, while also optimizing Staking Bonuses. This ensures that the most active users receive a larger portion of the reward, while all members still receive a fair share of the overall Lymus award.
What are the options?

Option 1 - (1st voting winner)
Receive continuous NFT Staking Bonuses, based on owned Medal's rarity (15%/10%/5%)
You have the option to burn your NFTs within 3 months for 8,245 $SPORT tokens. The remaining pool of tokens will be directed to the treasury
Option 2 - (new option based on your feedback)
Receive continuous NFT Staking Bonuses based on owned Medal's rarity (7%/5%/2%)
Split 6,250,000 $SPORT dedicated for LYMUS rewards into two:
1. 198 medals claimed by February 3rd will receive 3,125,000 $SPORT split equally among them, the reward being 15,782.83 SPORT tokens per medal. Snapshot for claimed medals is here.
2. The remaining 3,125,000 $SPORT will be divided among all 758 eligible medals, with each medal receiving 4,122.69 $SPORT.
Note: You will not have to burn your medals to receive the token rewards.
For example, there are 198 claimed medals by February 3rd, each claimed medal will be allocated 19,905.52 SPORT tokens, the rest 560 medals will be allocated 4,122.69 $SPORT each.
Our tokenomics states that the LYMUS Reward tokens will be distributed by 2026. However, we want to take into consideration the wishes of our LYMUS holders and thank you for being a crucial part of our ecosystem. That is why all tokens will be unlocked earlier.
The vesting period starts from the date of vote implementation and lasts until 2023 12 31, 23:59 UTC, no matter which option wins. During the vesting period, the tokens will be unlocked and available for claim every second.
Please note that vested tokens cannot be staked.
How will it be implemented?
To ensure a fair and transparent voting process, we will hold the vote on our platform in the same manner as the first one. Only the participating wallets from the first snapshot will be eligible to vote. The voting period will last for 7 days - February 3rd 00:00 UTC through 10th 23:59 UTC.
As soon as the voting is completed, we will start working on the implementation as a top priority. We’ll update you with the date of implementation later.
What happens if I sell?
We will be taking a snapshot after the voting ends on February 10th 23:59 UTC. Wallets included in the snapshot will be tied to the $SPORT token vesting. This means that if the user sells the NFT on OpenSea or other secondary markets, he will still be eligible to vest.
Vote Number One (outdated)
We are exceptionally grateful to everybody in our community who supported us from the very beginning and joined us in the first days. Our early supporters became the holders of tokenized Lympo utility shares (LYMUS) back in 2018. Going through various transformations as a project, we always remembered those early users - one of the first exclusive rewards LYMUS holders received was Lympo Medals which enable global Minting boosts on our platform. When crafting $SPORT tokenomics, we allocated 6,250,000 $SPORT tokens to LYMUS holders under Lymus Rewards. Today we invite the most loyal supporters of our project to cast a vote and decide how you want to proceed with your rewards. With this vote, you can open a possibility to burn your medal and receive an instant $SPORT reward or open up a possibility to have an additional global Staking Bonus on the platform. Let’s dig into the options deeper.
Option 1
Receive continuous NFT Staking Bonuses
Keep your Medal and receive the additional NFT Staking Bonuses in all Lympo staking pools:
Gold medal - 15%
Silver medal - 10%
Bronze medal - 5%
Option 2
Burn and get an instant $SPORT reward
Burn your Medal and instantly receive a fixed amount of 8,245.38 $SPORT tokens per Medal.
Key details
Here is an overview of the voting options.
For full information, please read below.
Burning Bonus
The total Lymus reward sum is 6,250,000 $SPORT tokens. This sum is divided among 758 medals that were distributed leaving the reward at 8,245.38 $SPORT tokens per medal.
Option 1 and Option 2 has the same burning bonus.
Time to Burn
During this period, you will be able to burn your medal on the Lympo platform and receive the burning bonus.
Option 1 has a burning window of 3 months, meaning that you will be able to burn your medal anytime in the first three months after the voting is implemented and still receive the Burning Bonus. All unclaimed tokens from unburnt medals will go to Lympo Treasury after the burning period ends.
Option 2 has an unlimited burning time, meaning that you will be able to burn your medal at any given time and receive the burning bonus. Each medal is allocated 8,245.38 $SPORT tokens, and all unclaimed tokens will stay in the contract indefinitely.
NFT Minting Bonus
This is a current feature of your medal. When equipped in Trophy Room, your medal gives you a global boost on all Lympo Minting Pools. The strength of the boost depends on the rarity of the medal.
Option 1 and Option 2 both keep this feature if the medals aren’t burnt.
NFT Staking Bonus
This is a new feature for your medal. When equipped in Trophy Room, your medal will boost you globally on all Lympo Platform. The boost is based on the medal’s rarity. You can activate a single Minting or Staking bonus and they do not stack with multiple medals owned. You can change which NFT bonus you want to activate anytime in Trophy Pool.
Option 1 adds Staking Bonus utility to your medal. The strength boost corresponds to the rarity of the medal.
Option 2 does not add Staking Bonus utility to your medal.
The Difference:
Option one opens NFT Staking bonuses in addition to the current NFT Minting bonus. You can activate a single Minting or Staking bonus; they do not stack with multiple medals owned. For a limited time of three months, you will still be able to burn your medal and receive 8,245.38 $SPORT tokens per medal. All unclaimed tokens from unburnt medals will go to Lympo Treasury after the burning period ends.
Option two allows you to burn your medal at any given time and instantly receive 8,245.38 $SPORT burning bonus. All 758 medals are allocated the burning bonus, and all unclaimed tokens will stay in the contract indefinitely. Until burning the medal, you can still enjoy the current minting bonuses. More information on current Minting bonuses can be found here
The voting
The voting will take place on the Lympo platform in your profile page from the 30th of December, 2022, to the 20th of January, 2023. Once connected to the platform, all wallets that hold Lympo medals will receive a notification to vote. Every Medal will entitle you to one vote, which cannot be changed later. If you have multiple medals in your wallet the vote you cast will be automatically applied to all medals held and multiplied by the amount of medals owned. For example, if you have three Lympo Medals and cast a single vote for option 1, it will be counted as three votes. The option that received the majority vote of those who voted will be the winner. The voting results will open up after user casts a vote and be updated with each vote and visible until the end of the voting.
Eligible wallets
To keep the voting transparent and fair, a snapshot of all holder wallets was taken on December 29th 23:59:59 UTC, and only those on the snapshot are allowed to participate. If you stake your medal on Lympo platform at the time of snapshot, it will also be included. If you have not yet claimed your medal, it is still included in the voting. However, to cast the vote, you have to claim the medal first. If you have transferred your Medal and are not eligible for the vote, please return your Medal to the wallet that held it at the time of the snapshot.
If you experience any trouble with that, please contact support
Final Voting Results
Stage 2 of the Lymus Voting has ended. Thank you to all who participated. The winning option was Option 1, which offers continuous NFT Staking Bonuses from Lympo Medals in all staking pools (depending on the medals rarity - 15%/10%/5%).
With this option, you’ll have the option to burn your NFTs within 3 months for 8,245 $SPORT tokens. The remaining pool of tokens will be directed to the treasury.
We will start working on the implementation as soon as possible and update you with the date of implementation shortly.
Eligible wallets
A snapshot was taken as soon as the voting ended on February 10th at 23:59 UTC. Only wallets included in the snapshot will be eligible for $SPORT token vesting.
Please note, that $SPORT vesting is only tied with the wallets in the snapshot and not the medal itself - meaning that in case the NFT is sold on secondary markets, the wallet owner will still be eligible to vest.
You can find a list of wallets included in the snapshot here.
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